Update Search Suggestion Names and Simplified Credits

Today at Keysearch we made a subtle change that should simplify things moving forward. We changed the name of the keyword suggestion type from “Keyword Planner” to “Related Keywords”. We also changed the “Keysearch Database” option to just “Database”. Normally a change like this would go unannounced but since it involves a slight change and…

The Best And Most Affordable Ahrefs Alternative

When we set out to create Keysearch our initial vision was to give everyday bloggers and small businesses a cheaper more affordable alternative to ahrefs. As many of you know ahrefs is considered the gold standard of SEO tools. Their backlink database is second to none and it has driven their entire toolset to become…

Ungrouping Close Variants

We here at Keysearch are declaring the war on close variants! What are close variants you ask? Close variants are keywords that Google finds similar and has decided to group together, showing one search volume for the entire group. This has caused search volumes to become highly inaccurate for certain keywords and has made SEO trickier than ever.…

Content Assistant Tutorial

For all of you bloggers and article writers out there we are happy to introduce a new tool in our feature set called Content Assistant! Content Assistant is not your typical on-page SEO optimization tool. Most of your usual tools (for example Yoast) are there to help you with things like optimizing meta descriptions, page…

Getting More Visitors Using Website Traffic Analysis

Since introducing our Explorer feature we have consistently been adding additional features that utilize that data in different ways. Tools that find your competitors keywords, our competitor gap tool just to name a few. One thing that we felt could take everything to another level was adding the ability to estimate the google traffic coming in for any ranking…

How to Use Google Trends to Find Trending Keywords

Keyword research tools can come in all shapes and sizes. I’m sure you’ve probably noticed though that most tools follow essentially the same idea. They help you identify keywords that will bring in traffic by showing you niche-specific keyword suggestions (search volume usually included). Then they will give you an estimate of how difficult it will…

Competitor Gap Overview

Last month we introduced our Keysearch Explorer feature which allows you to see tons of SEO data on any domain or webpage (Yes even individual pages can now be searched in Explorer. This was added today as well). Things like organic keyword rankings, top competitors, backlinks, etc… In that post, we promised we’d be releasing more…

Introducing Keysearch Explorer

Something we always enjoy doing around here is announcing new features. Today we get to announce the launch of a new tool we’ve been working on called the Keysearch Explorer! What is the Keysearch Explorer? To give you a quick sum up, the Keysearch explorer is your one-stop shop, giving you access to loads of…

Keyword Filter Overview & Search Operators

The keyword filter is an extremely powerful part of doing keyword research. For a while now we’ve had some extra features within the keyword filter that were never officially documented. We also realized that we never did a full overview of the keyword filter. Well, here it is! The official documentation. This article will give…